Marosi Stromboli | Ma vie va changer
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W/R 1
27th – 31st August
with João Fiadeiro and Carolina Campos

“Ma vie vá changer” is the title of a photography book by Patrícia Almeida and David-Alexandre Guéniot which puts side by side newspaper photographs of the most important political, social, economic and environmental events in the world (collected between 2011 and 2013), and photographs of their family album. João and Carolina encounter in this relation – between the intimate and public life – a dramaturgic strength that could be transported into the stage.

In this research-residency they want to share the reasons why hey use this book as a departure point for their collaboration while sharing their modus operandi to approach this material. From this information they want to stimulate the participants to develop a similar process of:

a. being affected,
b. circumscribe the affect and
c. translate the affect into a performing manifestation.

This can be done using the same book as a reference or other photography books/works which will be made available for this research-residency.

One of the reasons to insist on photography as a departure point for this experiments, besides the obvious relation with the general theme of the festival, has to do with their interest to put in contact choreography and photography (or, to be more exact, choreographic thinking and photographic thinking), two territories they use as central references in their individual paths. This encounter in Stromboli is an opportunity for them to go deeper in this common interest and, at the same time, share their practices, reflections and ideas around this relation.

In this research-residency João Fiadeiro and Carolina Campos will share some of the questions that drives them to work together. They met in 2012 in a research atelier on Real Time Composition – a tool developed by João for the last 20 years – and since the beginning Carolina was intrigue by the roll of this system (design initially as an improvisation tool) as a tool for creating choreographic and performing work. The result of this questioning led them to collaborate in the group work “What to do from now backwards”/2015 where, for the first time in Fiadeiro’s approach to choreography, Real Time Composition wasn’t used as a source to generate material but as a “navigation tool” for collaboration, so the performers in the work could “tune in” and around the same affect. This same approach is being applied in their next work – this time in co-authorship – call “Ma vie vá changer” (to be premiere in 2019). This last work will be used as an interface for this research-residency.


As during an artistic residence, the workshop doesn’t have any time limitation. It is structured in different working sessions (individual, collective, sharing). In some moments of individual work, each participant can choose to work in other places of the island. The work will be in full connection with the explosive nature of the Island.
We will use and choose among materials and tools: the body, lectures, theories, methodologies, techniques, films, images and sounds.

The workshop is directed to artists interested in artistic research coming from dance, performance, theatre, photography and visual arts.

We will work mainly on an open-air* stage of 100 mq, under the slopes of the Vulcano. We will also work around a table on a beautiful terrace.

* In case of rain, our work will continue, looking for creative solutions. The organization does not provide any form of refund.


• Full Fee: 300 euro (Deadline 10th August)
• Early Bird: 260 (Deadline 10th July)

• Special Offers available if you:
> Attend more than one workshop
> Come with your research group (-25% discount on full fee)

Send your CV or a short bio: with email subject: W/R #1 Ma vie va a changer


João Fiadeiro

belongs to the generation of artists who emerged in the late eighties in Portugal and gave rise to the New Portuguese Dance movement. He is the artistic director of RE.AL (founded in 1990), which, in addition to producing and touring his own work, hosts and presents emerging artists and transdisciplinary projects. Since the late 90s, João Fiadeiro has been dedicated to the systematization and application of the Real Time Composition method, a tool that studies decision-making and collaboration in art and its relation to science, academia and society. He is regularly invited to conduct workshops in schools and universities in Portugal and abroad. He is artist in residence at Viriato Theater in Viseu and is currently working towards his PhD in Contemporary Art at the College of Arts at Coimbra University.


Carolina Campos

is Brazilian and currently lives in Lisbon. She has a degree in Communication and a post-graduate in Photography. In 1998, she began dancing in the Municipal Dance Company of Caxias do Sul, before joining, from 2007 to 2011, the Lia Rodrigues Dance Company in Rio de Janeiro. She has a particular interest in experiencing different modes of collaborations and in understanding how these collaborative processes affect artistic objects. In this sense, she has collaborated and developed projects with European and international artists such as Cláudia Dias (PT), Calixto Neto (BR), Ivan Haidar (AR), Sezen Tongus (TUR), Julia Salaroli Qualify (ES / BR). Since 2012, she has been collaborating with João Fiadeiro on the various platforms he has developed, which include Composição em Tempo Real (Real Time Composition) training programs and research, programming for Atelier REAL, and choreographic work. She is a performer and a co-author in his latest piece, “O que fazer daqui para tràs”. She is currently the rehearsal director for “O Limpo e o Sujo”, a piece by choreographer Vera Mantero.